Volume 314 - The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2017) - Dark Matter (Poster Session). Scientific Secretary: Luciano Canton
The 17 MeV Anomaly in Beryllium Decays and U(1) Portal to Dark Matter
C.S. Chen*, G.L. Lin, Y.H. Lin and F. Xu
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: November 06, 2017
Published on: March 20, 2018
The experiment of Krasznahorkay \textit{et al} observed the transition of a 8Be excited state to its ground state and accompanied by an emission of e+e pair with 17 MeV invariant mass. This 6.8σ anomaly can be fitted by a new light gauge boson. We consider the new particle as a U(1) gauge boson, Z, which plays as a portal linking dark sector and visible sector.
%Dark matter is assumed to be a fermionic particle and annihilates into new gauge boson pair in p-wave contribution.
In particular, we study the new U(1) gauge symmetry as a hidden or non-hidden group separately. The generic hidden U(1) model, referred to as dark Z model, is excluded by imposing various experimental constraints. On the other hand, a non-hidden Z is allowed due to additional interactions between Z and Standard Model fermions. We also study the implication of the dark matter direct search on such a scenario. We found the search for the DM-nucleon scattering cannot probe the parameter space that is allowed by 8Be-anomaly for the range of DM mass above 500 MeV. However, the DM-electron scattering for DM between 20 and 50 MeV can test the underlying U(1) portal model using the future Si and Ge detectors with 5e threshold charges.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.314.0624
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