Search for tZ′ associated production induced by tcZ′ couplings at the LHC
T. Modak*,
W.S. Hou and
M. Kohda*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
January 29, 2018
Published on:
March 20, 2018
In this article we have studied the discovery potential of right-handed tcZ′ via cg→tZ′ process, first in a model independent way, then in a model based on gauged Lμ−Lτ symmetry at 14 TeV LHC. Such a model has been constructed to explain recent B→K(∗) anomalies observed by LHCb. Model also predicts left-hand tcZ′ coupling which is strongly constrained by B and K physics and discovery of which is even beyond the reach of HL-LHC. In connection to RH tcZ′ coupling, model also predicts existence of RH ccZ′ couplings, which could be searched via cˉc→Z′ process at LHC.
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