Different crystals with SiPM array readout were tested in laboratory. Hygroscopic crystals, such
as LaBr 3 :Ce and CeBr 3 , and innovative non-hygroscopic crystals, such as PrLuAg and CeCAAG
were studied. 4 × 4 SiPM arrays from different manufacturers were used as photodetectors.
Best results were obtained with LaBr 3 :Ce crystals read by Hamamatsu S13361 TSV arrays. For
LaBr 3 :Ce crystals, due to their high photon yield, it was possible to implement a simple readout
scheme based on CAEN V1730 FADC, without any amplification. Energy resolutions (FWHM)
better than 4% were obtained at the Cs 137 peak, with a detector linearity better than 2%.