Development of electronics and data acquisition system for the J-PARC T59 (WAGASCI) experiment
N. Chikuma*,
F. Hosomi,
T. Koga,
R. Tamura,
M. Yokoyama,
M. Khabibullin,
A.N. Khotjantsev, A. Kostin, Y.G. Kudenko, A. Mefodiev, O.V. Mineev, S. Suvorov, N.V. Yershov, T. Kobayashi, S. Cao, T. Hayashino, A.K. Ichikawa, A. Hiramoto, T. Nakaya, K. Yasutome, A. Bonnemaison, R. Cornat, O. Drapier, O. Ferreira, F. Gastaldi, M. Gonin, J. Imber, M. Licciardi, F. Magniette, T. Mueller, O. Volcy, Y. Azuma, T. Inoue, K. Kin, N. Kukita, S. Tanaka, Y. Seiya, K. Yamamoto, A. Blondel, F. Cadoux, Y. Karadzhov, Y. Favre, E. Noah, L. Nicola, S. Parsa, M. Rayner, Y. Hayato and A. Minaminoet al. (click to show)*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
November 13, 2017
Published on:
March 20, 2018
WAGASCI is a new experiment at J-PARC neutrino beamline, to measure the cross section ratio of charged current neutrino interaction on nucleus between water target and plastic target with the accuracy of a few percent. The detector adopts three-dimensional grid structure of 3-mm-thick scintillator bars around water and plastic targets, to obtain large angular acceptance. As a photodetector a 32-channel arrayed MPPC has been developed for the WAGASCI detector, and the total number of channels is 1280 for each module. Our front-end electronics is SPIROC2D, a product of Omega, which is an auto-triggered, bi-gain, 36-channel ASIC, allowing to measure the charge from one to 2000 photoelectron and the time with 100ps step. It contains a 16-deep analog memory array, which allows to store 16 hits in an acquisition gate. The back-end boards control the data output from the front-end ASIC and reception of trigger signals for neutrino beam. The module construction has been completed and the data acquisition system has almost been completed, to be ready for the neutrino beam measurement from October 2017.
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