Development of Electromagnetic Calorimeter Using LYSO Crystals for the COMET Experiment at J-PARC
K. Oishi*
on behalf of the COMET collaboration StrECAL group*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
February 06, 2018
Published on:
March 20, 2018
An electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) has been developed for the COMET experiment at J-PARC in Japan, which searches for muon-to-electron conversion of a charged lepton flavor violating process with a single event sensitivity of 10−17. The observation of this process forbidden in the standard model (SM) gives a clear evidence of new physics beyond the SM. The experiment aims at achieving a single event sensitivity of 10−17. The detector system consists of an upstream tracker and the ECAL. The ECAL is required to have an energy resolution < 5%, position resolution <1 cm, and time resolution < 1 nsec at 105 MeV, the signal electrons energy. In order to satisfy those requirements, the ECAL consists of LYSO scintillating crystals. Several ECAL prototypes have been developed and evaluated. They have shown an excellent energy resolution of 4.2%, and position resolution of 7.6 mm at 105 MeV/c, and time resolution < 1 nsec, linearity within 0.5%, and particle identification efficiency > 90%. In this paper the detailed design and performance of the ECAL are described.
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