Volume 320 - 12th International Workshop on High-pT Physics in the RHIC/LHC Era (High-pT2017) - High pT parton propagation in matter
First Results with HIJING++ on High-energy Heavy Ion Collisions
G. Papp*, G.G. Barnaföldi, G. Bíró, M. Gyulassy, S. Harangozó, G. Ma, P. Levai, X.N. Wang and B.W. Zhang
*: corresponding author
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We present preliminary results with HIJING++ (3.1.1) for identified hadron production in high-energy heavy ion collisions at LHC energies. The recently developed HIJING++ version is based on the latest version of PYTHIA8 and contains all the nuclear effects that have been included in the HIJING2.552, which will be improved by a new version of the shadowing parametrization and jet quenching module. Here, we summarize the structure and the speed gain due to parallelization of the new program code, also presenting some comparison between experimental data.
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