Anomalous triple-gauge-boson interactions in diboson production
M. Chiesa*, A. Denner and J.N. Lang
Pre-published on:
July 31, 2018
Published on:
December 21, 2018
Diboson production is of prime interest at the LHC particularily due to its sensitivity to the gauge-boson self interaction, allowing to test its Standard Model prediction with high precision and to search for possible deviations with respect to the Standard Model. We computed WW, WZ and ZZ production (including the leptonic decays of the vector bosons) in the effective field theory framework at NLO QCD accuracy. The impact of the higher-dimensional operators is compared to the NLO QCD and NLO EW corrections in the Standard Model. Our calculation is the first application of RECOLA2 in the effective field theory framework.
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