PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 330 - An Alpine LHC Physics Summit (ALPS2018) - Young Scientist Forum
Study of Anomalies in Exclusive Semileptonic B Decays
V. Afferrante* and G. Martinelli
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Pre-published on: August 21, 2018
Published on: September 20, 2018
Our Vcb extraction is based on recent Belle results, with unfolded kinematical dependence. We use two different parameterizations of the form factors, the CLN and BGL parameterizations. We discuss how the known discrepancy between the inclusive and exclusive determinations of Vcb depends on an underestimate of the uncertainty with parameterizations that use heavy quark expansion.

We investigate the results of the semileptonic B decay with heavy leptons (tau) compared to the decays into light leptons. Experimental ratio of the two branching ratios is systematically larger than the Standard Model(SM) prediction. Effects of new physics operators on the data about these decays are studied.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.330.0045
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