A possible binary nuclei in Mrk 622
J.M. Rodriguez Espinosa*, E. Benitez, I. Cruz-González, O.G. Martín, A. Negrete, D. Ruschel-Dutra, L. Gutierrez and E. Jimenez-Bailon
*: corresponding author
Pre-published on: October 09, 2018
Published on: November 20, 2019
We have performed optical spectroscopy of Mrk 622 finding that it shows tripled peaked features. These features are separated in velocity showing two components that are blue-shifted and re- shifted with respect to the systemic velocity, and a third component that is right at the systemic velocity. Besides, when analysing their spectra we find that the ratio of the [OIII] to Hβ and [NII] to Hα lay in the locus of AGN for the blue and red-shifted components, while the systemic velocity component lays at the starburst/HII locus. This is interpreted as having a binary AGN that is orbiting a central Starburst.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.331.0028
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