Modeling of the Disk around a Young, Isolated, Planetary-mass Object
A. Bayo*,
V. Joergens,
Y. Liu,
R. Brauer,
J. Olofsson,
J. Arancibia,
P. Pinilla,
S. Wolf,
J.P. Ruge,
T. Henning,
A. Natta,
K.G. Johnston,
M. Bonnefoy,
H. Beuther and
G. Chauvin*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
January 01, 2019
Published on:
November 20, 2019
Even though the first observational evidence of the existence of isolated substellar objects dates from 1995, the heated debates surrounding these objects have not ceased. With masses below $\sim$0.072M$_{\odot}$ (and hence unable to sustain stable H burning, brown dwarfs, BDs) or even $\le$13 M$_{\rm Jup}$ (and hence unable to sustain stable deuterium burning, isolated planetary mass objects, IPMOS), a number of theoretical conundrums have yet to be solved. From the dominant mechanism of formation, to the observational evidence that grain growth can occur during the first million years in the disks surrounding these extremely low-mass objects. In this work we present further analysis on the first detection in the millimeter range of the disk around OTS44 (one of the closest young IPMOS). This detection, possible thanks to the exquisite sensitivity of ALMA, allows us to conclude than grain growth has taken place in OTS44's disk and to further investigate the disk's properties via complete SED modeling.
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