FlexibleSUSY: Precise automated calculations in any BSM theory
P. Athron*, M. Bach, D. Harries, W. Kotlarski, T. Kwasnitza, J.h. Park, T. Steudtner, D. Stöckinger, A. Voigt and J. Ziebell
Published on:
August 02, 2019
FlexibleSUSY is a software package for various calculations in any model of physics beyond the standard model (not just any supersymmetric model). FlexibleSUSY can solve boundary value problems and uses this to find $\overline{DR}/\overline{MS}$ parameters and calculate the Higgs and BSM particle masses, as well as other observables. FlexibleSUSY is designed to be adaptable, fast, precise and reliable. We describe FlexibleSUSY with particular emphasis on recent developments and the state of the art Higgs mass calculations it can perform. We also show some applications to illustrate how it can be used to obtain interesting physics results with the highest precision possible and with remarkable speed.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.340.0456
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