Top physics at Future Circular Colliders
Published on:
August 02, 2019
The physics reach and feasibility of the Future Circular Colliders (FCC) are currently being investigated in the form of Conceptual Design Reports. The ultimate goal of FCC is to collide protons with a centre-of-mass energies of 100 TeV, thus extending the reach of the current HEP facilities. This high-energy regime opens new opportunities for the discovery of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM), but also for precise measurement of fundamental parameters of the SM. Following the LEP/LHC model, it is obvious that the first collider that would be operated, is an electron positron machine, FCC-ee. It aims at collecting multi-ab$^{-1}$ integrated luminosities in $e^+e^-$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$ 90, 160, 240, and 350 GeV, yielding $10^{12}$ Z bosons, $10^8$ W$^{+}$W$^{-}$ pairs, $10^6$ Higgs bosons and $10^6$ $t\bar{t}$ pairs. This document presents a glimpse of what the top physics program could be at Future Circular Colliders.
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