Axion dark matter search experiment for the mass range of 6.62 to 7.04 $\mu$eV
S. Ahn
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Published on: August 02, 2019
The CAPP-8TB axion dark matter search experiment for the mass range of 6.62 $\mu$eV to 7.04 $\mu$eV
equivalent to 1.6 GHz to 1.7 GHz is being performed as one of the CULTASK experiments at
IBS/CAPP. The experiment utilizes the cavity haloscope technique introduced by Sikivie with a
microwave resonant cavity of 3.5 L volume under 8 T superconducting magnet at a cryogenic
temperature of less than 0.1 K. In this proceedings, details of the experiment configurations are
discussed including the resonant cavity, cryogenics, magnet, a dielectric tuning rod, microwave
receiver chain with high-electron-mobility-transistor (HEMT) amplifiers. The target of this effort
is to be sensitive to the QCD axion band with a two-month running time.
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