Searching for intermediate-mass black holes in NGC3310
M. Argo*, J. Coppola, M. Mezcua, H. Earnshaw and T. Roberts
Pre-published on:
September 30, 2019
Published on:
October 09, 2019
Intermediate-mass black holes are theoretically predicted but observationally elusive, and evidence for them is often indirect. The nearby face-on spiral galaxy NGC3310 has hosted many supernovae in recent history, and recent Chandra observations have shown a group of strong off-nuclear X-ray sources that are coincident with radio emission seen in archival VLA and MERLIN observations. Their luminosity, spectrum and off-nuclear location make these sources excellent IMBH candidates. To investigate this possibility, we used combined EVN/e-MERLIN observations at both 1.4 and 5 GHz to look for compact radio emission and evidence of jet activity. We detect a compact radio source within one arcsecond of a Chandra source with an estimated mass ${\rm M}_{\rm BH}\sim3\times10^4 {\rm M}_{\odot}$.
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