Volume 344 - 14th European VLBI Network Symposium & Users Meeting (EVN2018) - Posters about VLBI technology
DBBC3 the new wide-band backend for VLBI
G. Tuccari, W. Alef*, S. Dornbusch, M. Wunderlich}, A. Roy, H. Rottmann, J. Wagner, R. Haas and K.Å.L. Johansson
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: February 18, 2019
Published on: October 09, 2019
The DBBC3 VLBI digital backend is the successor of the most widely adapted digital VLBI backend DBBC2. The DBBC3 offers much wider bandwidth and integrated Ethernet output. Three different firmwares for observing have been implemented until now: Direct Sampling conversion (DSC), arbitrary selection of bands (OCT), and Digital Down Conversion (DDC). These modes cover all the requirements of the astronomical, VGOS and legacy geodetic VLBI of today, but also of the near future. In addition the DBBC3 offers unsurpassed compatibility to the relatively large number of other existing VLBI backends. A number of DBBC3 systems have been deployed and more are currently under construction, with the number of 4 GHz bands ranging from 2 up to 8 with resulting typical output data-rates from 32 Gbps to 128 Gbps. Laboratory and field tests have been performed.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.344.0140
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