Volume 344 - 14th European VLBI Network Symposium & Users Meeting (EVN2018) - Posters about Other Topics
Ultra-compact structures in galactic masers observed in the Radioastron project.
N. Shakhvorostova*, A.M. Sobolev, A.V. Alakoz, J.M. Moran, H. Imai and V.Y. Avdeev
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: February 18, 2019
Published on: October 09, 2019
H2O masers associated with the massive star formation region W49N were observed in frames of the Space-VLBI project RadioAstron. Ultra-compact structures in the masers were detected on space-ground baselines up to 9.6 Earth diameters. The flux density of ultra-compact features does not exceed a percent of the single dish flux density. Some results of the data processing for three observing sessions performed in 2014-2015 are presented. The lower limit of minimal brightness temperatures and estimates of angular sizes of the brightest features corresponding to the ultra-compact maser spots of the W49N complex are obtained.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.344.0154
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