Current and future measurements of semi-inclusivehadron+jet distributions with ALICE
J. Norman* on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Pre-published on:
January 11, 2019
Published on:
April 24, 2019
The measurement of jets recoiling from a trigger hadron in heavy-ion collisions can be used to understand the properties of the Quark Gluon Plasma. Jet-medium interactions cause jets to lose energy in the medium and may modify the jet structure. Jet deflection towards large angles due to scattering off of quasi-particles in the Quark-Gluon Plasma may also occur, which can be studied through a measurement of the hadron-jet acoplanarity. These phenomena can be studied through the semi-inclusive distribution of track-based jets recoiling from a trigger hadron. This contribution presents the latest measurements and prospects of semi-inclusive hadron+jet distributions with ALICE. Constraints on energy loss in p-Pb collisions and future prospects to measure energy loss in smaller systems are shown. A jet shape measurement of N-subjettiness using recoil jets is outlined. Finally, prospects for hadron+jet acoplanarity measurements with ALICE are presented.
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