Aspects of heavy flavor jet physics in heavy ion collisions
Pre-published on:
October 29, 2019
Published on:
March 27, 2020
In these proceedings I discuss several recent developments in the physics of heavy flavor jets in heavy ion collisions. i) The dijet mass modification in nucleus-nucleus reactions has been proposed as a new observable with enhanced sensitivity to parton energy loss in nuclear matter. It also enables more precise studies of heavy quark mass effects on parton shower formation. ii) Computational techniques from soft-collinear effective theory have allowed us to bridge the gap between high energy and heavy ion QCD phenomenology. I show the first application of the semi-inclusive jet function formalism to heavy flavor jet production in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at the LHC. iii) Last but not least, central to the theoretical calculations of heavy flavor jets is the accurate theoretical description of in-medium parton showers. A formalism to compute branching processes in nuclear matter to any desired order in opacity has been developed and illustrative numerical results are presented.
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