PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 358 - 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2019) - CRD - Cosmic Ray Direct
Cosmic ray transport from AMS-02 B/C data: benchmark models and interpretation
Y. Génolini*, M. Boudaud, P.I. Batista, S. Caroff, L. Derome, J. Lavalle, A. Marcowith, D. Maurin, V. Poireau, V. Poulin, S. Rosier, P. Salati, P.D. Serpico and M. Vecchi
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Pre-published on: July 22, 2019
Published on: July 02, 2021
We present new benchmark scenarios for Galactic cosmic-ray propagation in the GV-TV rigidity range, based on fits to the AMS-02 B/C data with the USINE V 3.5 propagation code. We employ a new fitting procedure, cautiously taking into account data systematic error correlations in different rigidity bins and considering Solar modulation potential and leading nuclear cross section as nuisance parameters. We delineate specific low, intermediate, and high-rigidity ranges that can be related to both features in the data and peculiar microphysics mechanisms resulting in spectral breaks. We single out a scenario which yields excellent fits to the data and includes all the presumably relevant complexity, the BIG model. This model has two limiting regimes: (i) the SLIM model, a minimal diffusion-only setup, and (ii) the QUAINT model, a convection-reacceleration model where transport is tuned by non-relativistic effects. All models lead to robust predictions in the high-energy regime (& 10 GV), i.e. independent of the propagation scenario: at $1\sigma$, the diffusion slope $\delta$ is $[0.43-0.53]$, whereas $K_{10}$, the diffusion coefficient at 10 GV, is $[0.26-0.36]$~kpc$^2$~Myr$^{-1}$; we confirm the robustness of the high-energy break, with a typical value $\Delta_h\sim 0.2$. We also find a hint for a similar (reversed) feature at low rigidity around the B/C peak ($\sim 4$~GV) which might be related to some effective damping scale in the magnetic turbulence. Initialization files used for the analysis, along with the resulting best-fit values and covariance matrix of best-fit parameters are provided with USINE V 3.5.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.358.0073
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