Volume 358 - 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2019) - SH - Solar & Heliospheric
Modeling the 2017 September 10 Long Duration Gamma Ray Flare
J. Ryan*, G.A. De Nolfo and D. Gary
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: July 24, 2019
Published on: July 02, 2021
The large flares from 2017 September 4 to 10 were significant microwave events with revealing multi-wavelength images of the flare environment. The event on September 10 was a large long-duration, gamma-ray flare (LDGRF). The event also produced a Ground Level Enhancement (GLE). Using the constraints from the microwave imaging data from the Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array (EOVSA) we interpret and model the behavior of the energetic-flare protons of September 10 as measured with the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on the Fermi mission. We do this in the context of stochastic acceleration in a large coronal bipolar structure to produce the high-energy long-duration gamma-ray emission. Our preliminary analysis suggests that the acceleration of the GeV protons takes place in a large structure about 1.4 R☉ in length. The requirements for the magnetic field and turbulence in this structure will be presented.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.358.1144
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