Influence of Galactic magnetic field on large scale anisotropies of ultra-high energy cosmic rays
A. Bakalova*,
P. Travnicek and
J. Vícha*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
July 22, 2019
Published on:
July 02, 2021
We present an analysis of effects of Galactic magnetic field on large scale structures in arrival directions of cosmic rays. Recent measurements of the Pierre Auger Observatory show a dipole pattern of arrival directions of cosmic rays above 8 EeV with amplitude $\sim 6.5$% pointing far ($\sim 125^{\circ}$) from the Galactic center. It demonstrates that these particles are of an extragalactic origin. We performed direct simulations of cosmic rays in CRPropa 3 propagated in the Jansson-Farrar model of the Galactic magnetic field. The large-scale patterns in the arrival directions of cosmic rays arising from an isotropic distribution of sources only due to the presence of the Galactic magnetic field were investigated for different scenarios of mass composition of cosmic rays. Arrival directions of simulated cosmic rays were investigated also for a dipolar distribution of sources outside the Galaxy with two directions of the injected dipole.
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