First Results from NICHE and the NICHE-TALE Hybrid Detector
D. Bergman*,
J. Krizmanic,
K. Nakai,
Y. Omura,
Y. Tsunesada and
On behalf of the Telescope Array collaboration*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
July 22, 2019
Published on:
July 02, 2021
The Non-Imaging CHErenkov Array (NICHE) is an array of 14 non-imaging air-Cherenkov light collectors with an inter-counter separation of 100 m, a 3"-PMT in each counter and a 45˚-Winston cone defining the angular aperture. The NICHE array is situated 600–1000 m from, and in the view of, the TALE fluorescence detectors. NICHE and TALE can work together as a hybrid non-imaging/imaging air-Cherenkov detector for cosmic rays for energies above 1 PeV. In this talk, we will present the first results of NICHE working independently from TALE: shower directions, fits to the Cherenkov lateral distribution and the implied energy distributions; and the first results of the NICHE-TALE hybrid: confirmation of profile constrained angular fits in TALE and the dependence of the direct-Cherenkov lateral time-width distributions in NICHE on the depth of shower max as measured by TALE.
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