Volume 358 - 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2019) - GRI - Gamma Ray Indirect
The H.E.S.S. experiment : current status and future prospects
M. de Naurois*  on behalf of the H.E.S.S. collaboration
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: July 22, 2019
Published on: July 02, 2021
In the 15 years since its construction, the H.E.S.S. gamma-ray observatory has allowed the study of the very-high-energy gamma-ray sky at unprecedented resolutions and sensitivities. During this period H.E.S.S. has discovered a rich zoo of both galactic and extra galactic source classes, made measurements of the galactic diffuse gamma-ray emission and galactic cosmic-ray energy spectrum and placed limits on fundamental physical processes. H.E.S.S. took an important part in the current emergence of multi-messenger, multi-wavength astronomy that is currently revolutionizing our view on the high-energy universe. In this context, a formal decision on the prolongation of H.E.S.S. for a minimum of three years was made in January 2019, together with an upgrade of the camera of the large telescope.

In this contribution, a summary of the latest H.E.S.S. results will be presented, describing the most interesting new observations and their physical interpretation. I will detail the latest and upcoming upgrades and improvements to the H.E.S.S. hardware and data analyses and the future science prospects for the experiment.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.358.0656
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