The electromagnetic coupling α and the electroweak mixing angle θW are parameters of the Standard Model (SM) that enter precision SM tests and play a fundamental rôle in beyond SM physics searches.
Their values are energy dependent, and non-perturbative hadronic contributions are the main source of uncertainty to the theoretical knowledge of the running with energy.
We present a lattice study of the leading hadronic contribution to the running of α and sin2θW.
The former is related to the hadronic vacuum polarization (HVP) function of electromagnetic currents, and the latter to the HVP mixing of the electromagnetic current with the vector part of the weak neutral currents.
We use the time-momentum representation (TMR) method to compute the HVP on the lattice, estimating both connected and disconnected contributions on Nf=2+1 non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson fermions ensembles from the Coordinated Lattice Simulations (CLS) initiative.
The use of different lattice spacings and quark masses allows us to reliably extrapolate the results to the physical point.