As the only lattice vector current that does not require renormalisation is the point-split conserved current it is convenient to have a robust, precise and computationally cheap methodology for the calculation of vector current renormalisation factors, ZV. Momentum subtraction schemes, such as RI-SMOM, implemented nonperturbatively on the lattice provide such a method if it can be shown that the systematic errors, e.g. from condensates, are well controlled.
We present ZV calculations for the conserved current in both the RI-SMOM and RI′-MOM momentum subtraction schemes as well as local current renormalisation in the RI-SMOM scheme. By performing these calculations at various values of the momentum scale μ and different lattice spacings we can investigate the presence of power suppressed nonperturbative contributions and compare the results to expectations arising from the Ward-Takahashi identity. Our results show that the RI-SMOM scheme provides a well controlled determination of ZV but the standard RI′-MOM scheme does not.
We then present some preliminary uses of these ZV calculations in charm physics.