Lattice Gauge Theory and Two Dimensional Quantum Gravity
S. Catterall*, J.U. Yockey and M. Asaduzzaman
Pre-published on:
January 28, 2020
Published on:
August 27, 2020
We construct a two dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory containing a single adjoint scalar field which, when tuned to a critical point associated to spontaneous breaking of center symmetry, possesses a long distance effective theory which describes two dimensional quantum gravity. The metric is emergent in the theory and depends on the gauge fields with the diffeomorphism symmetry of the continuum metric theory arising from lattice gauge symmetry. Apart from the intrinsic interest in formulating gravity as a lattice gauge theory the construction holds some advantages over traditional numerical approaches eg. dynamical triangulations since it uses only conventional cubic lattices and Wilson gauge links.}
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