Continuous Time Simulations of Strong Coupling LQCD at Finite Baryon Density
M. Klegrewe* and W. Unger
Pre-published on:
January 04, 2020
Published on:
August 27, 2020
We study lattice QCD in the limit of infinite gauge coupling on a discrete spatial yet continuous Euclidean time lattice at finite baryon chemical potential μB. The continuous time framework is based on sending Nτ→∞ and the bare anisotropy to infinity while fixing the temperature in a non-perturbative setup. This leads to a sign problem free algorithm that allows us to study the whole μB-T plane. We construct Taylor coefficients required for a Taylor expansion in the pressure at zero chemical potential and in the chiral limit. On that account, cumulants in the baryon number density are measured in various fashions to improve on accuracy. These calculations are based on our worm type Monte Carlo algorithm featuring a polymer resummation scheme and a histogram method.
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