The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility has been proposed as space astronomy payloads on-board the future China’s Space Station (CSS) aimed to detect charged cosmicrays and gamma-rays from few GeV to PeV energies.
The main science objectives of HERD are searching dark matter particles, the study of cosmic ray chemical composition up to the knee and high energy gamma-ray observations. HERD consists of a very thick (3 Interaction Length , 55 Radiation Length) cube calorimeter made of small LYSO cubic crystals allowing 3D reconstruction, a tracker consisting of silicon microstrip detectors and thin converter foils for gamma conversion and plastic scintillator planes for veto and charge measurements. HERD will extend high precision and high statistics measurement of cosmic-ray spectra up to 1 PeV. It will also observe the gamma-ray sky from a few GeV up to 1 TeV contributing to multi-messenger astronomy together with high energy gamma-ray, neutrino and gravitational waves ground-based telescopes.