Particle production as a function of system size and underlying-event activity measured with ALICE at the LHC
M. Krüger*  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: June 10, 2020
Published on: November 12, 2020
High-energy collisions in ALICE allow for the study of soft and hard QCD particle production.
The correlation between transverse momentum spectra and event multiplicity is a sensitive observable providing insights into the different production mechanisms.
In these proceedings we report on this observable for unidentified charged-particles, obtained using a 2d-unfolding procedure.
Particle production is compared at different collision energies, as well as for pp, p--Pb and Pb--Pb collisions at the same energy. In order to understand the role of autocorrelations in small systems, it was proposed to exploit the usage of the underlying event as a multiplicity estimator to factorize the hardest and the softer components of the events.
For this purpose, in these proceedings the charged particle transverse momentum distributions are also presented as a function of underlying-event activity in pp collisions.
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