The WAGASCI project aims to perform a study of neutrino-nucleus interactions at the J-PARC accelerator in Japan with a new fine-grained neutrino detector (WAGASCI module) coupled with muon range detectors (WallMRD and BabyMIND).
The WAGASCI module main target for neutrinos is purified water. A hollow cuboid lattice made of scintillators bars is used to detect charged particles coming out of the neutrino interaction points. Measurement in wide phase space becomes possible by the combination of the WAGASCI modules, side and downstream muon range detectors. The downstream-MRD, the so-called Baby MIND detector, also works as a magnet and provides charge identification capability as well as magnetic momentum measurement for high energy muons.
The detectors have been constructed and have been commissioned in the J-PARC T59 experiment and the CERN neutrino platform. They are going to be exposed to the same neutrino beam as the T2K experiment at an off-axis angle of 1.5 degrees. The collaboration will be ready to collect physics data by November 2019. The first milestone for the WAGASCI project is to have at least 0.5 x 10^20 POT (protons on target) in neutrino mode and the same amount in anti-neutrino mode.
We will provide inclusive and exclusive differential cross-sections of the charged current neutrino and antineutrino interactions with water and hydrocarbon with slightly higher neutrino energy and with a wider angle acceptance than T2K-ND280.
By combining our measurements with those from ND280, model-independent extraction of the cross-section for narrow energy spread becomes possible. These measurements would improve the understanding of the neutrino-nucleus interaction at around 1 GeV and thus contributing to reducing one of the most significant uncertainties sources of the T2K experiment.