Study of quark GTMDs for kaon in light-cone quark model
S. Kaur* and
H. Dahiya*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
November 04, 2019
Published on:
December 17, 2019
We investigate the generalized transverse momentum-dependent quark and anti-quark distributions (GTMDs) for kaon in light-cone quark model. The leading-twist GTMDs are evaluated from the quark-quark correlator by considering the unpolarized, longitudinally polarized and transversely-polarized quark/anti-quark in unpolarized kaon. For the evaluation of GTMDs, the overlap representation of light-cone wavefunctions is used. We observe the variation of GTMDs with longitudinal momentum fraction (x) at different values of quark/anti-quark transverse momentum as well as momentum transfer.
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