Development of next generation muon beams at the Paul Scherrer Institute
R. Iwai*,
A. Antognini,
N.J. Ayres,
Y. Bao,
I. Belosevic,
V. Bondar,
A. Eggenberger,
M. Hildebrandt,
D.M. Kaplan,
P.R. Kettle,
K. Kirch,
A. Knecht,
J. Nuber,
A. Papa,
C. Petitjean,
T.J. Phillips,
F.M. Piegsa,
S. Ritt,
A. Stoykov,
D. Taqqu and
G. Wichmann*: corresponding author
Published on:
June 11, 2020
The Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) provides the world's highest intensity muon beam of $\mathcal{O}(10^{8})\,\mu^{+}/$s at 28$\,$MeV/c. The HiMB project aims to improve this rate by two orders of magnitude. Meanwhile, the muCool collaboration is developing a device which converts a standard surface $\mu^{+}$ beam of cm-size and MeV-energy into a beam of 1$\,$mm-size and 1$\,$eV energy spread by achieving a compression of 6-dimensional phase space by 10 orders of magnitude with an efficiency of $10^{-3}$.
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