PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 379 - The 18th International Workshop on Polarized Sources, Targets, and Polarimetry (PSTP2019) - Polarized Gas Targets
Polarized $^{3}He$ Target for JLab 12 GeV Era
M. Chen
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Published on: September 23, 2020
Since most of the $^{3}He$ spin is carried by the unpaired neutron, polarized $^{3}He$ targets have been widely used as a effective polarized neutron target in electron scattering experiments to study the spin structure of neutron. Over the past a couple of decades, polarized $^{3}He$ targets had been successfully utilized in thirteen electron scattering experiments during JLab 6 GeV era. At JLab, a technique called Spin-Exchange Optical Pumping (SEOP) is used to polarized the $^{3}He$ target. For the past decade, several developments including Rb-K hybrid alkali system and high power narrow line-width diode lasers were implemented to the polarized $^{3}He$ target in order to reach higher 3He polarization with world record luminosity. As JLab completed 12 GeV upgrade in 2017, there are seven upcoming approved polarized $^{3}He$ target experiments. Upgrade of the target with convection cell and Pulse Nulear Magnetic Resonance (PNMR) polarimetry were completed for the first upcoming 12 GeV era experiment $A_{1}^{n}$ (E12-06-110) with collaboration of $d_{2}^{n}$ (E12-06-121) in JLab Hall C. For typical $10^{22}/cm^{2}$ high-density target used in this collaboration experiment, the maximum polarization reached over 50% under $30 \mu A$ electron beam, thus the luminosity of $10^{36}/cm^{2}/s$ will be achieved.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.379.0026
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