Cryogenic GaAs cathode development for improved lifetime
T. Eggert*,
J. Enders and
Y. Fritzsche*: corresponding author
Published on:
September 23, 2020
GaAs photocathodes provide a source of highly polarized electron beams. To ensure reliable operation for high current applications, it is necessary to increase charge lifetime. To improve the local vacuum condition around the cathode the use of a cryogenic sub-volume is proposed. It is expected that the cryogenic adsorption of reactive residual-gas molecules yield an enhanced lifetime of the negative-electron-affinity surface of the cathode. Additional cooling of the cathode itself allows a higher laser power to be deposited in the material, resulting in higher possible beam currents. Implementation and first measurements are planned to be conducted at the TU-Darmstadt Photo-CATCH test set-up to investigate the operational parameters of the new source.
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