1 K refrigerator for the CLAS12 Polarized Target Design, Construction, and First Results
J. Brock
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Published on: September 23, 2020
A dynamically polarized target of protons and deuterons in irradiated NH3 and ND3 will be employed with the CLAS12 detector system to explore the spin structure of the nucleon in Hall B at Jefferson Lab. This target will feature a versatile, horizontal 1 K refrigerator that has been constructed by a collaboration of Christopher Newport University, Old Dominion University, the University of Virginia, and the JLab Target Group. A description of the challenges involved with designing the target for the CLAS12 experiments and the collaboration’s solutions will be presented. These include a modular and compact design of the 1 K refrigerator and its ancillary equipment, as well as a novel mechanism for loading the target samples. Initial test results of the system will also be included.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.379.0056
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