PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 380 - Particles and Nuclei International Conference 2021 (PANIC2021) - Hot and dense matter physics - QGP and heavy ion collisions
Effects of transverse momentum broadening of parton cascades from coherent emissions and scatterings in a medium
M. Rohrmoser*, E. Blanco, K. Kutak, W. Płaczek and R. Straka
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Pre-published on: March 02, 2022
Published on: May 24, 2022
Highly energetic particles in the medium of a quark gluon plasma undergo processes of coherent medium induced radiation and scatterings off medium particles.
We solved the evolution equations for particle fragmentation functions that describe in-medium evolution via these two in-medium processes numerically via Monte-Carlo algorithms. We study the in-medium broadening of the distribution over momentum components transverse to the jet-axis for different cases of jet-medium interactions and different values of average transverse momentum transfer.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.380.0256
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