Heavy Ions, Experimental Overview
Pre-published on:
January 22, 2021
Published on:
April 15, 2021
This article gives an overview of recent highlights from experimental measurements of heavy-ion collisions at ultra-relativistic energies: Measurements of electroweak probes constrain both the initial collision geometry and the nuclear parton distribution functions. Results from soft particle production show that the abundance of light-flavour hadrons from pions up to hypertriton and $^4$He can be described by a universal temperature and that these participate in the collective motion of the system. There are hints of these effects also in small systems, which will be further investigated in future to understand the underlying mechanisms. Studies of hard probes, such as heavy quarks and jets show that parton energy loss plays an important role in heavy-ion collisions. Differential measurements of J/$\psi$ mesons elucidate their production mechanism, i.e. regeneration, and give evidence for deconfinement in Pb$-$Pb collisions at LHC full energy. The large data samples at the LHC enable studies of rare probes such as $\chi_{\rm c1}$(3872) and top$-$anti-top production. Further, measurements of antinuclei cross sections can provide input for dark matter searches.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.390.0033
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