New results from the CUORE experiment
A. Giachero*,
D.Q. Adams,
C. Alduino,
K. Alfonso,
F.T. Avignone III,
O. Azzolini,
G. Bari, F. Bellini, G. Benato, M. Biassoni, A. Branca, C. Brofferio, C. Bucci, J. Camilleri, A. Caminata, A. Campani, L. Canonica, X.G. Cao, S. Capelli, L. Cappelli, L. Cardani, P. Carniti, N. Casali, D. Chiesa, N. Chott, M. Clemenza, S. Copello, C. Cosmelli, O. Cremonesi, R.J. Creswick, A. D'Addabbo, I. Dafinei, C.J. Davis, S. Dell'Oro, S. Di Domizio, V. Dompè, D. Fang, G. Fantini, M. Faverzani, E. Ferri, F. Ferroni, E. Fiorini, M.A. Franceschi, S.J. Freedman, S.H. Fu, B.K. Fujikawa, L. Gironi, A. Giuliani, P. Gorla, C. Gotti, T.D. Gutierrez, K. Han, K.M. Heeger, R.G. Huang, H.Z. Huang, J. Johnston, G. Keppel, Y.G. Kolomensky, C. Ligi, L. Ma, Y.G. Ma, L. Marini, R.H. Maruyama, D. Mayer, Y. Mei, N. Moggi, S. Morganti, T. Napolitano, M. Nastasi, J. Nikkel, C. Nones, E. Norman, A. Nucciotti, I. Nutini, T. O'Donnell, J. Ouellet, S. Pagan, C.E. Pagliarone, L. Pagnanini, M. Pallavicini, L.M. Pattavina, M. Pavan, G. Pessina, V. Pettinacci, C. Pira, S. Pirro, S. Pozzi, E. Previtali, A. Puiu, C. Rosenfeld, C. Rusconi, M. Sakai, S. Sangiorgio, B. Schmidt, N.D. Scielzo, V. Sharma, V. Singh, M. Sisti, D. Speller, P.T. Surukuchi, L. Taffarello, F. Terranova, C. Tomei, K. Vetter, M. Vignati, S. Wagaarachchi, B.S. Wang, B. Welliver, J. Wilson, K. Wilson, L. Winslow, S. Zimmermann and S. Zucchelliet al. (click to show)*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
February 22, 2021
Published on:
April 15, 2021
The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first cryogenic experiment searching for neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ) decay that has been able to reach the one-ton scale. The detector, located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy, consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in a compact cylindrical structure of 19 towers. Following the completion of the detector construction in August 2016, CUORE began its first physics data run in 2017 at a base temperature of about 10 mK. Following multiple optimization campaigns in 2018, CUORE is currently in stable operating mode. In 2019, CUORE released its 2\textsuperscript{nd} result of the search for 0νββ with a TeO2 exposure of 372.5 kg⋅yr and a median exclusion sensitivity to a 130Te 0νββ decay half-life of 1.7⋅1025 yr. We find no evidence for 0νββ decay and set a 90\% C.I. (credibility interval) Bayesian lower limit of 3.2⋅1025 yr on the 130Te 0νββ decay half-life. In this work, we present the current status of CUORE's search for 0νββ, as well as review the detector performance. Finally, we give an update of the CUORE background model and the measurement of the 130Te two neutrino double-beta (2νββ) decay half-life
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