We discuss production of $W^+ W^-$ pairs and $t \bar t$ quark-antiquark pairs
in proton-proton collisions induced by two-photon fusion including
transverse momenta of incoming photons.
We focus on processes with single and double proton dissociation.
Highly excited remnant systems hadronise producing particles that
can be vetoed in the calorimeter. We calculate associated gap
survival factors. The gap survival factors depend on the process, mass
of the remnant system and collision energy.
The rapidity gap survival factor due to remnant fragmentation for double
dissociative (DD) collisions is smaller than that for single
dissociative (SD) process. We observe approximate factorisation: $S_{R,DD} \approx S_{R,SD}^2$
when imposing rapidity veto. For the $W^+W^-$ final state, the remnant
fragmentation leads to a taming of the cross section when the rapidity
gap requirement is imposed. Also for $t \bar t$ quark-antiquark pairs
such a condition reverses the hierarchy observed for the case when
such condition is taken into account