Performance of the SoLid reactor anti-neutrino detector
N. Roy* on behalf of the SoLi𝜕 Collaboration
Pre-published on:
March 05, 2021
Published on:
April 15, 2021
The SoLid collaboration operates since 2018 a 1.6 ton neutrino detector at the Belgian BR2 reactor, with as main goal the search for the oscillation of electron anti-neutrinos to a sterile state. The highly segmented SoLid detector employs a novel hybrid scintillation technology based on PVT scintillator in combination with a $^6$LiF:ZnS(Ag) screens containing $^{6}\mathrm{Li}$ isotopes. The experiment has demonstrated a channel-to-channel response that can be controlled to the level of a few percent, an energy resolution of better than 14$\%$ at 1 MeV, and a determination of the interaction vertex with a precision of 5 cm. This contribution discusses the technology choices that were made for SoLid experiment and the calibration performances required. The ongoing upgrade program of the detector and the expected associated improvements in performance will also be presented.
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