Volume 395 - 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2021) - CRI - Cosmic Ray Indirect
Overview of the Mini-EUSO $\mu s$ trigger logic performance
M. Battisti*, D. Barghini, A.S. Belov, M.E. Bertaina, F. Bisconti, K. Bolmgren, G. Cambiè, F. Capel, M. Casolino, T. Ebisuzaki, F. Fenu, C. Fuglesang, A. Golzio, P. Gorodetzky, F. Kajino, P. Klimov, M. Manfrin, L. Marcelli, W. Marszał, H. Miyamoto, E. Parizot, P. Picozza, L.W. Piotrowski, Z.D. Plebaniak, G. Prévôt, E. Reali, M. Ricci, N. Sakaki, K. Shinozaki, J. Szabelski and Y. Takizawaet al. (click to show)
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: July 05, 2021
Published on: March 18, 2022
Mini-EUSO is the first detector of the JEM-EUSO program deployed on the ISS. It is a wide
field of view telescope currently operating from a nadir-facing UV-transparent window on the
ISS. It is based on an array of MAPMTs working in photon counting mode with a 2.5 μs time
resolution. Among the different scientific objectives it searches for light signals with time duration
compatible to those expected from Extensive Air Showers (EAS) generated by EECRs interacting
in the atmosphere. Although the energy threshold for cosmic ray showers is above $E > 10^{21} eV$,
due the constraints given by the size of the UV-transparent window, the dedicated trigger logic has
been capable of the detection of other interesting classes of events, like elves and ground flashers.
An overview of the general performance of the trigger system is provided, with a particular focus
on the identification of classes of events responsible for the triggers.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.395.0306
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