Neutron-induced interactions contribute to the signal-mimicking background in deep-underground searches for exotic
phenomena such as Dark Matter, neutrino-less double beta decay, proton decay, etc. Apart from radioactive decay, the primary
source of neutrons underground are high-energy muons from cosmic showers. While the maximum number of fission neutrons is around
six and energies around one MeV, muon-induced interactions may generate hundreds of neutrons, also with high energies.
Furthermore, these processes are not yet reproduced in numerical simulations with sufficient reliability. The main goal of the
NEMESIS experiment is to improve our knowledge and understanding of cosmic muon-induced neutron production in high-Z targets.
NEMESIS (New Emma MEasurementS Including neutronS) is taking data at a depth of 210 m.w.e. in Callio Lab in the Pyhäsalmi mine,