Event rates of UHE photons cascading in the geomagnetic field at CTA-North
K. Almeida Cheminant*,
D. Gora,
D.E. Alvarez Castillo,
N. Budnev,
A.C. Gupta,
P. Homola,
B. Łozowski,
M.V. Medvedev,
A. Mozgova,
M. Pawlik,
K. Rzecki,
K. Smolek,
J. Stasielak,
O. Sushchov,
A. Tursunov,
T. Wibig and
J. Zamora-Saa*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
July 06, 2021
Published on:
March 18, 2022
Photons in the EeV range and beyond are expected from top-down models of UHECR production and from the GZK effect. As they reach the Earth, they have a non-zero probability of converting into an electron/positron pair in the geomagnetic field and of producing an electromagnetic shower above the atmosphere. In this work, we present a new method to search for cascading UHE photons with gamma-ray telescopes based on Monte-Carlo simulations and multivariate analyses. Considering the future CTA-North experiment in La Palma, Spain, we show that such a method provides an efficient cosmic-ray background rejection with little loss of cascading UHE photon events. We also estimate that if gamma-ray bursts photon emission extends to the EeV regime, the number of expected events in 30 hours of observation time can go up to 0.17.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.395.0726
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