Pure gauge theories are rather different from theories with
pure scalar and fermionic matter, especially in terms of the nature of
excitations. For example, in scalar and fermionic theories, one can
create ultra-local excitations. For a gauge theory, such excitations
need to be closed loops that do not violate gauge invariance. In this
proceedings, we present a study on the condensation phenomenon associated
with the string-like excitations of an Abelian lattice gauge theory. These
phenomena are studied through numerical simulations of a U(1) quantum
link model in 2+1 dimensions in a ladder geometry using matrix product
states. In this proceeding we show the existence of ground states
characterized by the presence of such string-like excitations. These
are caused due to the condensation of torelons. We also study the
relationship between the properties of the plaquettes in the ground
state and the presence of such condensation phenomenon.