The radio-bright blazar PKS 1502+10: a possible neutrino source with a proton jet
Y. Sotnikova*, Y.A. Kovalev, Y.Y. Kovalev, A.K. Erkenov and A.V. Plavin
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: March 12, 2022
Published on: May 24, 2022
High energy neutrino (up to PeV) production in bright blazars within a parsec-scale jet and the presence of accelerated ultrarelativistic protons are being constantly discussed. In order to produce neutrinos, the presence of high energy protons in AGN jets is necessary. On the other hand, the lower ultrarelativistic energy part of the proton energy distribution (from GeVs up to TeVs) should generate synchrotron radio emission in the same parsec-scale jet, in addition (may be) to the electron synchrotron radiation. We report the results of testing the possibilities of numerical fitting the earlier suggested Hedgehog model for an electron jet or/and a proton jet in a strong longitudinal magnetic field to the multi-frequency radio spectrum of PKS 1502+106 obtained with RATAN-600 and other telescopes in the frequency range from 0.1 GHz to 1000 GHz. For VLBI the proton jet can provide a magnetic field and brightness temperatures of m_p/m_e =1836 times higher and an angular size of sqrt(m_p/m_e) = 43 times less than those produced by the electron synchrotron jet.
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