In π/π-Nucleon/Nucleus interactions Shallow Inelastic Scattering (SIS) is technically defined in
terms of the four-momentum transfer to the hadronic system as non-resonant meson production
with predominantly lower π 2 . This non-resonant meson production intermixes with resonant
meson production in a regime of similar effective hadronic mass W of the interaction. As π 2
grows non-resonant interactions begin to take place with quarks within the nucleon indicating the
start of Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS). To essentially separate this resonant plus non-resonant
meson production from DIS quark-fragmented meson production, a cut of 2 GeV in W of the
interactions is generally introduced. However, since experimentally mesons from resonance decay
cannot be separated from non-resonant produced mesons, SIS for all practical purposes is defined
as inclusive meson production that includes non-resonant plus resonant meson production and
the interference between them. NOTE, this is a mildly modified introduction and overview taken
from the detailed summary of this topic referenced in the introduction.