Charged-current inclusive neutrino cross sections on $^{12}$C and ^{40}Ar target are analyzed using the susperscaling model SuSAv2, for the first time extended to the full inelastic region. The model contains two new ingredients: the first is a scaling function used to describe the $\Delta$ resonance region, built after subtracting from ($e,e'$) experimental cross sections the quasielastic, two-particle two-hole, higher resonances and deep inelastic scattering (DIS) contributions arising from the SuSAv2-MEC model; the second is the description of the resonance and DIS regimes through the extension to the neutrino sector of the SuSAv2-inelastic model already available for ($e,e'$) reactions, which combines phenomenological structure functions with a nuclear scaling function.
Two different options for the description of the $\Delta$ region are presented and discussed.
The results of the model are tested against ($e,e'$) data and inclusive neutrino cross-section measurements from the T2K and ArgoNEUT experiments, thus covering several kinematical regions.