Volume 413 - The 10th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics (CD2021) - Parallel-Goldstone Boson
Hadron Physics results at KLOE-II experiment
E.P.Β Del Rio* Β on behalf of the KLOE-2 Collaboration
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: February 06, 2024
Published on: March 07, 2024
KLOE and KLOE-2 data (almost 8 fbβˆ’1) constitute the largest sample ever collected at an electron-
positron collider operating at the πœ™ peak resonance. In total it corresponds to the production of
about 24 billion of πœ™ mesons whose decays include about 8 billion pairs of neutral K mesons and
about 300 million πœ‚ mesons. A wide hadron physics program, investigating rare meson decays,
𝛾 βˆ’ 𝛾 interaction, dark forces and hadronic cross section, is thus carried out by the KLOE-2
Collaboration. The latest results and present analysis of the KLOE-2 collaboration are presented.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.413.0020
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