PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 414 - 41st International Conference on High Energy physics (ICHEP2022) - Poster Session
Simulated performance of a multi-purpose experiment at a Muon Collider
P. Salvini*, C. Aimè, C. Riccardi, I. Vai  on behalf of the Muon Collider collaboration
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Pre-published on: December 02, 2022
Published on: June 15, 2023
The future of high energy physics relies on the capability of exploring a broader energy range than the one at current colliders, with higher statistics. In this framework, the Muon Collider represents a unique possibility with the opening of an unprecedented physics program, ranging from Higgs boson studies to Beyond Standard Model (BSM) and Dark Matter searches. Studies aimed at designing a muon collider able to reach 10 TeV or higher center of mass energies with high luminosity are currently ongoing, involving unprecedented technological challenges both from the accelerator and the detector point of view. One of the detector main challenge is related to the so-called huge Beam Induced Background (BIB). The main objective of this contribution is the description of the performance in terms of different objects reconstruction in various regions
of the detectors, proving that a robust track reconstruction for charged particles above 1 GeV throughout the detector acceptance can be achieved. Results of the jets reconstruction, based on
a particle-flow approach and a π‘˜π‘‡-based clustering, will be discussed: reconstruction efficiency, evaluated on samples of light, b and cjets, ranging from 82% at 𝑝𝑇 β‰ˆ 20 GeV to 95% at higher 𝑝𝑇 will be presented. Reconstruction algorithms dedicated to electrons and photons and able to cope with the BIB conditions have been developed as well, resulting in a successful reconstruction of high-𝑝𝑇 electrons and photons with relatively small loss of efficiency and energy resolution.
Finally, the muon reconstruction algorithm, which combines the information coming from the hits in the muon system with the reconstructed hits in the tracker, will be discussed: it leads to a reconstruction efficiency in presence of BIB greater than 90% over an extended energy range.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.414.1109
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