Performance studies for the mCBM experiment campaigns in 2022
R. Dvořák*, L. Chlad  on behalf of the CBM Collaboration
*: corresponding author
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Published on: June 19, 2023
With mCBM@SIS18 (short “mCBM") a CBM precursor and demonstrator experiment has been constructed in 2017/18 at the SIS18 facility of GSI/FAIR, taking data within the FAIR phase-0 program since 2019. The primary aim of mCBM is to commission and optimise the CBM triggerless-streaming data acquisition system including data transport to a high performance computer farm, the online track and event reconstruction and event selection algorithms and the online data analysis as well as the controls software packages. mCBM comprises of prototypes and pre-series components of all CBM detector subsystems and their read-out systems. The reconstruction of Λ0 hyperons will be used as a benchmark observable probing the performance of the CBM hard- and software. Using simulations, various detector configurations have been tested identifying the most suitable geometry for reconstruction of Λ0 hyperons with the mCBM setup in real data.
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